Digital Marketing Glossary

A/B Testing

AOV (Average Order Value)

Add to Carts


Affiliate Agency

Affiliate Approvals

Affiliate Banners

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Network

Affiliate PPC Rights

Affiliate Tracking link

Affinity Audiences

Algorithmic Feed


Amount Spent


App Install Rate

App Installs

App Installs per App

Approval Rate


Audience Insights

Auto Validation Window



Bounce Rate

Brand Awareness

Brand Keywords

Brand Partnerships

Branded Hashtags

Browser Extension

C/R (Conversion Rate)

CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost)

CLO/Card Linked Offers

CLV (Customer Lifetime Value)

COS (Cost of Sale)

CPA (Cost Per Acquisition)

CPAi (Cost Per Acquisition Increase)

CPC (Affiliates)

CPC (Cost Per Click)

CPE (Cost Per Engagement)

CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions)

CPV (Cost per View) - video only

CSS (Comparison Shopping Service)

CTR (Click-Through Rate)

Carousel Ads


Catalogue Sales

Catalogue Value

Channel Integration

Click append/reference



Closed User Group

Commission Group

Commission by basket value

Community Management

Comparison site

Competitive Analysis


Content Pillars

Conversion Ads

Conversion Rate

Conversion Values


Cookie Window

Cost per 1,000 People Reached.

Cost per Action

Cost per Add to Cart

Cost per App Install

Cost per App Install, by App

Cost per Catalogue Sale

Cost per Conversion

Cost per Form Start

Cost per Lead

Cost per Messaging Conversation

Cost per Mobile App Content View

Cost per Mobile App Subscription Fee

Cost per Outbound Click

Cost per Purchase

Cost per Result

Cost per Thruplay

Creative Asset Logging

Creative Fatigue Rate

Creative Versioning

Creator Partnerships

Custom Parameter

DSA (dynamic search ads)

Dark Posting

Decline Rate

Declined Transactions


Demand Gen


Dynamic Creative Optimisation


Editorial site

Employee Advocacy

Employee benefits


Shadow Top Photo
Shadow Photo

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