What is ‘paid social’ at Genie?
Many retailers struggle to have serious conversations about how social platforms can be leveraged effectively, often because it is a constantly moving target. Trends and platforms are always shifting in importance and what works for one brand can be completely ineffective for another.
We take the attitude that there are some absolute fundamental activities you need to be doing before you increase your paid social spend. That’s why we focus on reviewing your creative and sharing our best practices during our onboarding processes to get you lined up for success.
Once you have your social media stars aligned with creative and copywriting wrapped up, we can get to work revolutionising your advertising. We achieve this through applying the knowledge our team has amassed from tinkering, testing, breaking and ultimately succeeding on social media since 2009.
What are the most effective KPIs for each social platform?
As with any digital marketing channel, the answer to the “what is the most effective KPI?” question lies in the objective of the campaign. That being said, at Genie we think of social as typically a top-of-funnel activity; ideal for introducing new customers to the brand and products, while informing existing customers of new products, special events, or promotions/sales.
To measure the success of our campaigns, we usually target and report on:
Relevant reach: Are the right people seeing your message?
Active engagement: Are the people seeing your ads interacting with them? Are they viewing your videos, clicking to site, or viewing your canvases? Here we are looking for an indication of interest from the customer.
Conversions: Conversions differ from client to client, but is usually leads, sales, or store visits.
What makes our approach different to the competition?
We offer training and consultancy alongside management to ensure all social activity (brand, direct, organic, paid, in-house, agency) is working together towards well considered strategic goals.
Ultimately, we’ve no interest in trying to pull the wool over your eyes – we’ll call it like it is and look to set you on the correct path before you waste any more money on ineffective social media marketing.