Digital Marketing Glossary

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Type of affiliate partner that manages the tracking and reach to advertisers for multiple publishers in their network. They often have tools and technology to enable publishers in their network to easily monetise links without the need to join lots of programmes and networks.

Example: Skimlinks is classed as a subnetwork. Subnetworks like Skimlinks partner with an editorial site such as Refinery29. The advantage of being part of a subnetwork for the editorial site is that it means they can work with any advertiser affiliate programme that Skimlinks is approved on. Skimlinks also has automated technology to allow editorial sites to monetise and add affiliate tracking to relevant links at scale. 

References: Skimlinks (please note there are lots of subnetworks but many contain lots of low quality voucher sites. Skimlinks is a partner which is heavy in valuable content partners which is why we reference only them)

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